
We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to about the European Parliament. If you have more questions that aren’t covered, feel free to reach out.

What is European Parliament?

The European Parliament (EP) is one of the institutions of the European Union (EU), which represents the citizens of the EU member states. Every five years, the EU citizens directly elect the Members of the Parliament (MEPs). The elected MEPs then play an essential role in the EU legislative processes, along with the Council of the European Union.


In 2024, the EP elections will take place between 6-9 June.


Voting in the EP elections gives EU citizens a chance to shape the legislative body of the EU. The elected MEPs have an important role in making decisions that affect various aspects of life in the EU, such as policies related to trade, the environment, human rights, and many others. Therefore, by participating in the elections, citizens can have a say in shaping the direction and policies of the EU.


As an EU citizen, you can cast your vote in your country of origin, from abroad, or in the EU country that you are living in. You should take into consideration that the voting processes may be different depending on each country. Generally, as an eligible voter, you should receive instructions on how, when, and where to vote. It is essential to follow the guidelines provided by your country’s electoral authorities in order to make sure that your vote is really counted.

How many MEPs are there?
The EU legislation allows for a maximum of 751 members including also the president to sit in the European Parliament. Currently, there are 705 members, chosen from among the 27 states. However, after the upcoming elections in June 2024, the number is going to increase to 720.
How many MEPs are under the age of 30?
Currently, there are just two MEPs who are under thirty, with only a few months to go before the next European elections. Following the 2019 elections, the average age of MEPs was fifty years old. At that time, the oldest MEP was from Italy (82 years old), and the youngest was from Denmark (21 years old).

Source: Youthforum.org

How old do you need to be to be elected?

Belgium 18
Bulgaria 21
Czechia 21
Denmark 18
Germany 18
Estonia 21
Ireland 21
Greece 25
Spain 18
France 18
Croatia 18
Italy 25
Cyprus 21
Latvia 21
Lithuania 21
Luxembourg 18
Hungary 18
Malta 18
Netherlands 18
Austria 18
Poland 21
Portugal 18
Romania 23
Slovenia 18
Slovakia 21
Finland 18
Sweden 18

Source: Europarl.europa.eu

How many places in the EP does each country have in the next period?

In the upcoming elections, each member state is allocated a specific number of seats based on its population size and representation within the EU. The distribution of seats per country for the 2024 elections is as follows: Germany has the highest number of seats with 96, followed by France with 81 seats and Italy with 76 seats. Spain is allocated 61 seats, while Poland receives 53 seats and Romania follows with 33 seats. The Netherlands has 31 seats, and Belgium holds 22 seats. Greece, Czechia, Sweden, Portugal, and Hungary each have 21 seats, while Austria has 20. Bulgaria is allotted 17 seats, Denmark, Finland and Slovakia instead each have 15 seats. Ireland is assigned 14 seats, Croatia has 12, and Lithuania has 11 seats. Slovenia and Latvia each receive 9 seats, while Estonia has 7. Cyprus, Luxembourg, and Malta have the lowest representation with 6 seats each.

Source: Europarl.europa.eu

Where can I find information about who to vote for?

You can find relevant information about your country candidates participating in the EP elections through the following resources:
● Οfficial website of your country's electoral commission
● Official websites or social media pages of political parties participating in the EP
● Attend local events, such as candidate debates to get a better understanding of the
opinions of the candidates
● Engage with local community groups which promote EP elections

Source: elections.europa.eu/en/how-to-vote/cy 

What documents do I need to take part in the elections?
Depending on your country of residence, different regulations may apply with regards to the registration and voting procedure. Therefore, you are encouraged to visit your national election service website where you can find explicit information on this matter and ensure that you are registered on time on the electoral roll.
For how long are the MEPs elected?

MEPs are elected for a term of five years.

What are the political parties/fractions?

At the heart of the EP elections are the political parties and factions that vie for seats in the legislative body. These parties represent a spectrum of ideologies and interests, each with its vision for the future of Europe.

One of the prominent political groupings in the EP is the European People's Party (EPP), a center-right coalition that advocates for conservative and Christian democratic values. With members from across the EU, the EPP is one of the largest and most influential factions in the EP. 

Opposing the EPP is the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), a center-left alliance that champions social justice, equality, and solidarity. The S&d seeks to address issues such as poverty, unemployment, and climate change through progressive policies and legislation.

In addition to these major factions, the EP is home to a diverse array of political parties and groups, ranging from liberals and greens to nationalists and Eurosceptics. These parties often form alliances and coalitions to advance their agendas and influence legislative decisions.
The rise of populist and Eurosceptic parties in recent years has added complexity to the political landscape of the EP. Parties advocating for nationalist, anti-immigration, and anti-EU sentiments have gained traction in some member states, challenging the traditional political establishment and reshaping the dynamics of European politics.

As voters cast their ballots in the EP elections, they are not only choosing individualcandidates but also endorsing the broader political visions and priorities represented by thevarious parties and factions. The outcome of these elections will not only determine the
composition of the EP but also shape the future trajectory of the EU itself.

How old do you need to be to vote?

In most EU member states, the minimum voting age for EP elections is 18 years old. This age requirement is consistent with the principle of universal suffrage, ensuring that all adult citizens have the opportunity to participate in the democratic process.

However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. In Austria, Germany, Belgium and Malta,
the voting age for EP elections is 16 years old, allowing younger citizens to have a voice in shaping the future of the EU. In Greece, on the other hand, citizens must be at least 17 years old to vote in EP elections.

It’s important for voters to be aware of the voting age requirements in their respective countries to ensure they are eligible to participate in the elections. Regardless of age, every vote counts in shaping the composition and direction of the EP.


How old do you need to be elected?

In the EP elections, the eligibility age for candidacy varies among member states. A number of nations, including Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Spain, France, Croatia, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Slovenia, Finland, and Sweden, set the minimum age at 18 years old. Another group, which consists of Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Ireland, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, and Slovakia, mandates candidates to be at least 21 years old. Greece and Italy stand out with a minimum age requirement of 25 years old, while Romania sets it slightly lower, at 23 years old.

Source: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/ATAG/2023/749766/EPRS_ATA(2023)749 766_EN.pdf

How many places in the EP does each country have in the next period?

In the upcoming elections, each member state is allocated a specific number of seats based on its population size and representation within the EU. The distribution of seats per country for the 2024 elections is as follows: Germany has the highest number of seats with 96, followed by France with 81 seats and Italy with 76 seats. Spain is allocated 61 seats, while Poland receives 53 seats and Romania follows with 33 seats. The Netherlands has 31 seats, and Belgium holds 22 seats. Greece, Czechia, Sweden, Portugal, and Hungary each have 21 seats, while Austria has 20. Bulgaria is allotted 17 seats, Denmark, Finland and Slovakia instead each have 15 seats. Ireland is assigned 14 seats, Croatia has 12, and Lithuania has 11 seats. Slovenia and Latvia each receive 9 seats, while Estonia has 7. Cyprus, Luxembourg, and Malta have the lowest representation with 6 seats each.

Source: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/topics/en/article/20180126STO94114/eu-elections-how- many-meps-will-each-eu-country-get-in-2024

Where can I find information about who to vote for?

You can find relevant information about your country candidates participating in the EP elections through the following resources:
● Οfficial website of your country’s electoral commission
● Official websites or social media pages of political parties participating in the EP elections
● Attend local events, such as candidate debates to get a better understanding of the opinions of the candidates
● Engage with local community groups which promote EP elections


Source: https://elections.europa.eu/en/how-to-vote/cy/

When will the results be announced?

For the elections taking place in June 2024, the results will likely start to emerge shortly after the polling stations close, and official results are expected to be declared within a few days of the voting day. However, the exact timing of the announcement may vary slightly depending on the specific procedures and regulations in each member state participating in the elections.